Modern Anti-University Propaganda
Hi Friends,
We all have heard this phrase on the modern internet “ Universities are a SCAM!!! Don’t go to university”, Is this actually true or just another propaganda?
Let’s analyse this deeply in this blog!
The universities you see above are commonly referred to as the Ivy League. These are the most prestigious and high-ranked universities in the world. As the title suggests, these universities are really expensive.
An Average College Degree in Computer Science or Economics would cost you about $200,000, it’s 2x the national average. Large grass fields, huge class halls and high profile professors with a strong alum network in almost all parts of the world at top companies like McKinsey & Apple.
Now, that we know what these universities offer, let’s see the other side's argument or the Anti-University arguments.
What these people argue is that, is it worth for an average American to spend 4 years of his/her life in university and spend $200,000 for an undergraduate degree, where they also need a master's. Sounds fair right?
Spending almost your parents' entire life savings or taking a debt and paying it for the next 10 years, sounds horrible, right?
Indeed! It is outrageous but we are not seeing universities with the right perspective. Certain Steps in life cannot be avoided and university/college is one of those steps. People for a long time have been seeing university as a place to learn but it’s not.
What do universities offer?
- It is a place where you meet new people and improve your networking and social skills. Universities offer a unique offering that no other place can offer.
- When you’re kept in a room full of smart people, you’re bound to improve your own knowledge, and your views on different subjects and learn to look at things rationally and ethically.
- Universities also show your future employers or if you’re starting a startup, the future investors that you’re capable of performing in a high-competition environment and excelling in it.
- They also help you understand different cultures better as you study in a very diverse classroom of students from over 100+ countries.
In conclusion, I’m not here to justify a $200,000 degree, I’m completely against these costs, what I’m telling through this blog is that your hate is not against the experience of the university degree but it’s against costs. So, please stop this Anti-University Propaganda and start campaigning against the fees instead.
Thanks for reading this article, hope you guys loved it. Give your arguments in the comments and I would love to know your opinions. Do give a clap, it supports my progress in Medium.
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